Library Collections

The library books are accessioned according to the following mentioned register. As per register statistical record is given in the following table.

Sr. No. Register No.of Books
1 Senior College Register 60093
2 UGC Register 7406
3 Non Grant Register 5358
IMRDR Register

(Institute of management rural development & research,Satana)

4 Book Bank Register 7994
5 Gifted Books Register 4155
6 Sidhivinayak Books Register 2403
                        Total A= 87979
7 Junior College Register 15042
8 Vocational Register 1859
                        Total B= 16901
                 Total A+B= 104880

Journals & Periodicals:

Sr.No Name of Journals
1 Current Science
2 The Management Accountant
3 I Jr of Chemistry Sec- A
4 Science Reporter
5 CSIR News
6 I Jr of Pure & Applied Chemistry
7 Express Computer
8 University News
9 Maharashtra Bhugolshasra Sanshodhan Patrika
10 Yojana (English)
11 Indian Literature
12 Employment News
13 India Today
14 Bulletin of Material Science
15 Dialogue: Science, Scientists and Society
16 Proceedings – Mathematical Sciences
17 Sadhana – Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences
18  Journal of Chemical Sciences
19  Journal of Earth System Science
20 Journal of Biosciences
21 Pramana – journal of Physics
22 Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy
23 Resonance – journal of science education
24 Indian Academy of Sciences Conference Series
25 Journal of Genetics
26 Economics & Political Weekly
27 Compitition Success Review
28 Dream 2047
29 मधुमती
30 आलोचना
31 काम्पिटीशन सक्सेस रिव्ह्यू
32 कविता-रती
33 साधना साप्ताहिक
34 समाज प्रबोधन पत्रिका
35 परिवर्तनाचा वाटसरू
36 मराठी विज्ञान परिषद
37 समकालीन भारतीय साहित्य
38 हंस
39 व्यापारी मित्र
40 ललित
41 भाव अनुबंध
42 प्रतियोगिता दर्पण
43 चित्रलेखा
44 साप्ताहिक सकाळ
45 चाणक्य मंडळ
46 योजना
47 गृहशोभिका
48 उद्योजक
49 आयुर्विद्या
50 तुम्ही आम्ही पालक
51 पंचधारा
52 योगराज
53 शिक्षण संक्रमण
54 लोकराज्य