English HOD Desk


Department Photo eng_hod
HOD Name (Full Name) Sahebrao Purbhaji Kamble
Education Ph. D.- Autobiographical Narratives

PG- English Language and Literature

UG- English Language and Literature

Email-Id sahebraok3@gmail.com
About Department  Today, English has become the lingua-franca of India. The language is playing a pivotal role in every spheres of life of our country. In this competitive, complex and challenging world, language fluency has become an utmost urgency. At the same time it is an absolute need of an hour due to the spread of science and advanced technology. To grab the opportunities available in these fields, one needs to develop communication skills, soft skills and language skills particularly of English language. Taking into consideration the need of an hour, the department has taken an initiative to instill these skills in the students for holistic development of their personality. The prime objective of the department is to make them accountable citizens of the nation by introducing world literatures replete with the sympathetic attitudes. Since its inception, the department has been proving itself true to bring hopes of the students into reality by imparting quality education for their career development. The students are inspired to appear for various competitive examinations and seek job opportunities. Along with language skills, the department also trains the students’ abilities to think critically and appreciate ideas. The department also aims at instilling universal human values by introducing the best pieces of literature. The staff of the department takes genuine efforts to fulfill the aims and objectives of the department at their level best.